'Tis the Season to...Make Some Changes!
Monday, January 14, 2013
Hey guys...is anyone still out there?
Honestly I'd be surprised if you were still checking in on me and my little old blog seeing how I've been so overwhelming neglectful of it.
The fact of the matter is I just haven't felt in the mood to blog. My heads been spinning with wedding stuff...and still is...and honestly after I get home from work it's hard for me to want to be in front of a computer any longer!
I WOULD like to start blogging again. Soon. Once the wedding is said and done with I'd like to get back into a routine of blogging and blogging about new things! Like married life in my world :)
With that being said I WILL be updating the blog. Going forward...eventually...the name will change and the website address. But that won't be happening quite yet...gotta get through March first!
The big day is 55 days away! You can always pop onto the wedding site if you want to take a look at that too!
And see...I'm still around...posting photos of outfits and cats :)
Come join the fun on Instagram and I promise I'll be back soon!
PS - can you guess what my soon to be new blog name will be about?