Things I Fancy Friday - Bring on the Warmth
Friday, January 31, 2014
I'm going to keep it short and sweet today. I won't ramble on (I'll save that for Monday.)
I want to share some photos that make me feel all warm and toasty. As I know a large part of the country is feeling the chill. Even here in Florida. I sit and sip my hot chai tea as I type's 30 degrees in Florida for heavens sake.
So kick back...and warm up.
Coazy blankets AND a tartan pattern...sign me up.
This was originally for sale on etsy but I can't find's so cute.
OMG...that crocheted blanket.
I would love to curl up there with a good book.
I gave up finding a source...blogger faux pas...BUT the point of the photo is...there's nothing like a hot cup of coffee/tea from Starbucks to warm the soul!
Have a good weekend and see you next week!
LynBDesigns Review - We All Do Silly Things from the Sherlock Collection
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Hey guys!
So if you follow my blog's Facebook you know that I've been under the weather the last few days hence my lack of a What I Wore post yesterday.
Now I'm still feeling...for lack of a better word...blah but I can at the very least share some polish!
So...I have another Sherlock inspired polish. It's not part of the "Sherlock series" as I'm focusing on one brand for that series.
But who really cares about if it's in the series or not? Because it's fabulous and it's pretty...and it's inspired by Sherlock.
Speaking of brands...
This beauty if from LynBDesigns. When I first got into indie polish way back when this was one of the first brands I started to buy. I STILL am a huge fan of LynB polishes...I have over 30 of her polishes in my stash!
You must go check out her Sherlock? Love Doctor Who? Yeah there's collections for those and more!
(This color is a magenta crelly base with pink, blue, purple, and silver glitters.)
Description taken from the listing.
If you watch probably love Molly like I do. This spunky polish is based off of her character :) Which is why I had to buy it.
I used just my regular base coat and no undies (aka no base color) this was with 3 thin coats.
This was such a fun color to wear. I'm obviously a huge fan of glitters and this beauty wasn't short of them. The base pink/magenta was SO pretty too.
Coats -
Three thin coats - Easy glitter polish - no issues. Smooth as can be.
Color Intensity -
A bright pop of color. I was told by someone how pretty it was and that it wasn't an "in your face" base color but it still catches attention.
Top Coat - HK Girl
Base Coat -
Check back tomorrow for a little non-polish post :)
Mani Series - Sherlock - A Study in Polish - Consulting Detective
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Round two of my Sherlock mani series!
I'm just gonna get right to it since I chatter on so much during so many posts!
If you missed last week click here to see it.
So I thought it would make sense to share the other side of the polish coin this week.
Consulting Criminal was last week and I've got Consulting Detective for you this week!
Again this polish is from the Sherlock series that A Study in Polish has and they are all amazing. I'm biased since I own all, well all but the two newest ones, but trust me they're perfection.
How gorgeous is that base purple color?
Sunlight in all it's pretty purple glory.
I'm kinda obsessed with the brand logo.
The blue bits of glitter is my favorite part!
Two because I can't help myself...perfect glitter distribution and a gorgeous base color.
Coats -
Like my post yesterday - I have to say this glitter formula rivals the Nerd formula - honestly. These photos are two easy coats with no fishing or specific glitter placement.
Color Intensity -
One of the prettiest purples I've used and I have A LOT of purples. The glitters don't dull the color at all they make it pop!
Top Coat - HK Girl -
one thin coat of the top coat makes this completely smooth
Base Coat -
Nice right? Do you love it?
Because I can't stop posting Sherlock things...I may or may not have another Sherlock inspired polish to share with you on Thursday! From a completely different brand!
See ya soon!
Because I can't stop posting Sherlock things...I may or may not have another Sherlock inspired polish to share with you on Thursday! From a completely different brand!
See ya soon!
Mani Monday - NerdLacquer - Event Horizon
Monday, January 27, 2014
Good morning/afternoon/evening - whenever you find yourself checking out my little blog!
How was your weekend?
I spent my weekend literally drowning in polish...droooowing!
I've been trying my darndest to get ALL of my polish swatched onto nail sticks. I've been working on it for a couple weeks now. If I had to venture a guess I would say I'm about 75% finished. Wishful thinking...
Okay now onward to the polish to end all polish brands...
So if you're a NL fan you know these babies can be HARD to come by due to a lot of limited editions that are near impossible to snag AND the fact that you just never know when and if the NerdLacquer shop will restock!
It pays to check in every day now and again though because a couple months ago the shop WAS restocked!!
I've finally gotten around to sharing one of the polishes I picked up that fateful evening.
I have for you today -
(deep blackened teal with blue, aqua, green, silver and holographic glitter. As sparkly, mysterious, and enchanting as the HDF.)
I want to point event horizon is NOT a deep blackened teal. Why? I have no idea but I'm totally cool with that. Possibly a new formula.
Mac the ro's...
With a top coat this is as smooth as any non-glitter polish. Honestly it's not really all that rough without a top coat.
Coats -
Two coats. Easiest coats of a glitter polish I've ever used.
Color Intensity -
Bright and vivid. Gorgeous. Fun. It is everything! I wore it for 3 days with no chipping or tip wear.
Top Coat - HK Girl
Base Coat -
Come back tomorrow for the second installment of my Sherlock Inspired Mani series!
Things I Fancy Friday - Special Edition: Philly Loves Lacquer - Fancy Winter Wench Collection (PHOTO HEAVY)
Friday, January 24, 2014
Happy freaking Friday people!
This has been a chaotic week I tell ya! I'm looking forward to a smidge of R&R this weekend...but I'm still trying to tackle the task of swatching EVERY single polish I own.
PS - it's taking much longer than I hoped it would take.
Speaking of polish...
I have a very special edition of Things I Fancy Friday today.
Esther over at Philly Loves Lacquer has a brand new collection releasing TODAY at 7PM EST.
Esther is amazing when it comes to naming her polishes! The collections and single polishes are always so interesting because each one is always linked back to something involving Philadelphia.
PS - she also has a Polish of the Month series that you can't miss. If you get the chance make sure to try and snag the January polish before it's no longer available.
Okay on to the task at hand...I get distracted far too easily.
Fancy Winter Wench Collection
The history -
The Fancy Winter Wench collection got it's name from two of the five divisions of the infamous Mummers Parade in Philadelphia. The two divisions featured in this collection are - The Wench Brigades and the Fancy Brigades. To find out what the whole shebang is about check out the website...there is SO much information. The things you learn blogging about polish.
The Polish -
Today I have for you 3 of the 8 polishes in the collection.
The collection consists of a glitter topper, three holographic microglitter and/or flakies, and four holographic finishes.
Saturnalian -
A dark blue scattered holo
(no top coat used - it's really that shiny)
So shiny that my poor thumb got blurred. It's the price I pay sometimes for pretty holographic things!
LOOK AT THOSE! I need this back on my nails. Gimme.
Summary -
Look...I'd be lying if I said I'm not a sucker for dark polishes. Blue polishes are my weakness (as are black and red...and purple) but this baby is GORGEOUS.
Two easy coats and shiny as all get out right out of the bottle on it's own. The shimmer is very apparent and easy to see. Love that.
This is a must have.
The Pirates -
A black scattered holo with a RAINBOW micro glitter
(worn with coat of China Glaze Fast Forward top coat to smooth out the micro glitters)
(worn with coat of China Glaze Fast Forward top coat to smooth out the micro glitters)
Don't mind my thumb here...again...blame the rainbow glitter :)
It's no secret I love macros. Because I do. I love them. Look at that darn rainbow glitter! It's amazing.
Summary -
Much like I said in the last polish summary. I LOVE dark polish. Then Esther goes and throws rainbows into my dark polish making it 10 times MORE amazing. This is a thicker polish but still easy to work with. One good coat will give you opacity but I did two...because I like seeing the glitters being painted on my paws. Again these photos show one thin coat of top coat to smooth out the glitter bits.
Shooting Stars -
A dense glitter topper made with silver glitters of varying shapes and sizes
(I used a coat of China Glaze top coat in each of the photos below)
Shooting Stars paired with Saturnalian
As if the macros of Saturnalian couldn't get any prettier...the silver glitter bits paired with it as an accent is SO sassy and gives it some edge.
Shooting Stars paired with The Pirates
Adding the silver on top of a black based polish that has multi-colored glitters in it changed it into so much more! The topper added a lot of depth and really added to the visual interest the polish already had!
Summary -
I can honestly say I am not a fan of glitter toppers normally. I can probably count on one hand the amount I have in my polish stash. Shooting Stars is one I am thrilled to have as a part of my small glitter topper collection. I LOVE how it can really add some oomph to a mani with one brush stroke. Considering how many dark polishes I own this will be a fabulous addition to any of them.
The glitters are easily distributed on the nail. No fishing or fighting with the formula at all.
There are 5 more polishes in this collection! If you love red...don't miss out Clevermore! It's divine.
The collection AND February polish of the month will on sale this evening at 7pm eastern!
Also make sure to like the PhLL FB page - Esther is top notch at keeping everyone in the loop!
*polish provided for a review and honest opinion*