About This Gal

I'm a 35-year-old lover of all things that bring a smile to my face. I have an amazing husband to call my other half and 3 very furry children. I work in the Engineering field by day and escape to a far far away world for 30 minutes of each workday while I read on my lunch break. I love reading blogs too! I'm fascinated by what all these amazing people have to share, it's a joy to write my blog, and read other blogs. 
I wasn't "topic" specific in my cat filled blog header because I never really know what I'll post here. It'll focus on polish and clothes and what not...that's why I leave my Friday open for things that are floating my boat that week : ) If you ever have anything you'd like to see here...let me know! I'm always open to suggestions.
This is me on my (second) wedding day...if you've been around for a while...you may have seen this section with very different photos years ago but now. This is me on my "second times a charm" wedding day! My ladies and gents, if you don't get it right the first time, it doesn't mean it won't be right the second!

This is my hubs. He's pretty fantastic. 

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