Team Long Form!

Okay, this may be an unpopular opinion BUT most of my opinions are probably the opposite of most! Our lives are FULL of short form content, which is great, but I am personally a huge fan (and will always be) pro-long form content. 

With that being said, I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite Youtube content creators! I love vlogs more than life itself. It’s giving voyeur but like…in the healthiest and most normal way possible. I am a tried and true introvert but connecting and following people who share the day-to-day intricacies of their lives makes me feel more tuned into life and people in general. Which, as my fellow introverts know, isn’t always easy. Enough rambling…let’s get to my faves. 

Alyssa Nicole - Alyssa has multiple channels, a vlog channel being one of them, but she also has a reading channel, a pet channel, a toy channel, AND an ASMR channel. That’s a girl after my own heart I tell you. 

Alexandra Rodriguez - F/k/a LearningtobeFearless - I have been a follower of this lovely lady for years. I am so enjoying watching her journey as a new mom and a lifestyle creator.  

Meghan Hughes - Speaking of new mom journeys…Meghan and her husband Finley are on a journey of their own but we also get to experience the most beautiful scenery in Vermont while we’re at it. I love Meghan’s vibe and the way she makes you feel like you are friend along for the ride. 

Lindsey Hughes - While we are on the subject of the Hughes family…hop on over to Lindsey’s (Meghan’s sisters channel) - I love following her day-to-day life that includes a part-time job as a professional organizer, her sweet pups, and of course her fantastic style!

Carrie Dayton -  A vlog overview isn’t complete without my millennial girlie…Carrie. I’ve followed her for many, many years and have really enjoyed seeing the different stages of her life. I never miss an “episode” of her vlog channel. 

Now…as I am gathering this information I had to really have a heart-to-heart with myself because I came to the realization that I have far too many channels to share. So maybe this will be Part 1 of sharing my favorite vloggers. I also have a lot of non-vlog channels I would love to share so I am thinking I will post weekly about long-form content creators that hold a place in my elder millennial heart. Stay tuned!

40? Now What?

Full transparency - I have no idea what I’m doing. I thought by the time you turn 40 you would have it all figured out. Boy was 13 year old me wrong. Also….I’m rounding the corner to 41 so technically this post is a little late.

What my 40 looks like for me (cliff notes edition):
  • A bonus mom of a nearly 10 year old son.
  • A mom of SIX cats…yes…six. 
  • Working in marketing in the A/E/C field.
  • Type 1 Diabetic for going on 40 years now. Wild. Trying to keep that under control literally every minute of my life with no end of being a type 1 diabetic in sight. 
  • A subscriber to multiple hard copy magazines because I don’t care how “online” we are - I will never give up the feeling of sitting on the couch on Sunday afternoon, flipping through HGTV and Food Network magazines. 
  • 40 years and counting of social anxiety which in theory stops me from partaking in a lot of life but also…I’m okay with that. I won’t apologize for wanting to be home with my family and cats. I pay more money than I can afford to be a homeowner so I may as well enjoy it.
  • Oh right also, I have no idea what I want my life to look like either. I want it to have my son, my husband, and my cats but like…I don’t know what else I really want in that life. What do I mean? I have no idea….like I said…I thought I would know everything by now but I…do not.
  • Also, I’m desperately seeking a creative outlet in life. I am a true Gemini (hello fellow Gems!) - I get tunnel vision towards a hobby or activity but as soon as I feel like I’ve tackled it, I get bored and stop and again I’m left without a creative outlet to focus the right side of my brain on. This blog was created BECAUSE I started making custom pet beds and selling them in person and on Etsy. Originally this blog was SewSaviorFaire Creations and was linked to my Etsy! But that lasted long enough for me to realize I hated sewing so this became a lifestyle blog.
  • Oh right, I’ve also not posted on HERE in years and years, but here I am. Seeking an outlet for creating something…anything. Even if it’s just for myself and a handful of people to read and hopefully relate to. 
I could honestly go on….and on…but what I want to know is. Is there anyone out there? If so, is there anything you would want to read that I could share or provide? I’ve desperately missed reading blogs and writing on my own, like a lot of people, I am seeking REAL content from REAL people. 

I think that’s all I have for now…because if I don’t stop I can’t even imagine how deep down the brain rabbit-hole I could go.

Until next time.


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