Tillie Polish - Sweet Treats Collection Spring 2014
Monday, March 31, 2014
Is it just me or is Sunday THE shortest day of the week?
Maybe it's because the hubs and I leave our errands and "to dos" for Sunday.
Then BAM it's the evening and time to prep for the work week again.
On the bright side of this work week...I have lots to share with you in regards to fabulous things!
Are you prepping for spring yet? I'm never ready for spring because I love the cool/cold weather but that doesn't mean I turn away from spring colors!
I should give you a heads up that I don't focus on "seasonal" colors...I wear what sparks my interest so I'll be sharing in the same way! I could wear dark polish or bright polish! Just depends!
Today I have three of the five NEW colors from Tillie Polish's Spring 2014 Collection. The Sweet Treats Collection. Yum!
Tillie has some of the best creme polishes! Definitely some of the best in my whole stash!
So let's have a look-see at the pretties!

I thought it would be fun to add a little polka to each mani to highlight each color in every set of photos!

Coats -
Two easy coats BUT can easily be a one coater with one thicker coat vs. two regular coats. Self leveling so smooth and perfect!
Color Intensity -
This is a beautiful and lush pink. It's so feminine but so rich! A perfect pink for a date night or a fancy girls night out!
Top Coat - HK Girl
Base Coat - Liquid Lacquer base coat
Coats -
Two coats! And no surprise here they were just as flawless as the first polish!
Color Intensity -
Okay I love green...I know it's not everyone's cup of tea (though if you haven't tried a green yet I insist that you do!) and this one is so darn perfect. It's not BRIGHT green or dark green. It's literally the perfect spring creme green. It has a blue undertone (well I see a blue undertone...I have no idea if it's actually there!) that keeps it warm and from being obscenely bright.
Top Coat - HK Girl
Base Coat - Liquid Lacquer base coat
Ooooh scattered dots. Party dots!
Coats -
Three coats. Like most yellow cremes it does require a little extra time. It was a little streaky on the first coat but as the coats were added and thickness increased it leveled out and as you can see...streaky free!
Color Intensity -
The color is slightly finicky in my direct light so it appears a touch brighter than it is in person. The last photo of the polish bottle played much nicer than in the mani photos. I didn't want to edit the color in the photos because I prefer not to digitally change the color. And there wasn't TOO much of a color difference as it was. So with that being said it can appear more yellow in some lighting and then also more of a buttery yellow in other lighting. Both of which are perfectly springy and dainty. I know some people are huge fans of yellow and some people aren't but this really is a nice in between yellow to have. I have fair skin but I feel like it will work on many skin tones! Also there is a subtle shimmer in this that appears to be a little shy!
Top Coat - HK Girl
Base Coat - Liquid Lacquer base coat
All the good stuff!
Swing on by tomorrow for *gasp* more springy things!
Things I Fancy Friday - Spring Lipstick, Green Tea, and Pickles
Friday, March 28, 2014
Oh thank the work week Gods it's Friday!!
PS - those work week Gods are real jerks every day BUT Friday.
What a week it's been.
Annnnd it'll be a busy weekend! The hubs is knee deep in preparing to graduate so he's overwhelmingly busy. And I'll be swatching! I have some oh so sweet polishes from Tillie Polish to share with you on Monday!
So to celebrate the closing of this work week I have lots of fabulous to share!
I'm going to lie...spring and summer are my least favorite seasons BUT I do love some coral.
Anthropologie isn't in my budget unless it's from a thrift shop but this is so dreamy!
Mmmmm green tea.
Need it. Wish it was on sale even though it's brand new to the store!
The oh so lovely Karen over at StrangelyPainted is so damn creative and talented. If I had half the talent she did I would do nothing but paint! Follow her on IG too because you're missing out if you don't!
Pickles...what a cute darn painting.
Whatcha got planned for the weekend?
Has spring cleaning started yet? I have no idea because....as my husband would concur...cleaning is not my strong suit. I excel at "picking up" no so much cleaning.
I will see you Monday!
Pahlish - Switchblade and a Motorbike - Blue or Turquoise?
Thursday, March 27, 2014
So I want to start off this post with a little PSA (Polish Service Announcement) about this polish.
The color was playing tricks on me! I thought I was going bonkers.
In the initial swatch on Pahlish's website it looked more turquoise and when I pulled out the bottle to paint my nails...it too looked more turquoise like the swatch...and on my nails in my living room it looked turquoise-ish.
THEN...under the direct light in my light box and in my kitchen and everywhere else that had a brighter light it was very very blue.
I went back and forth about posting these swatches on my blog because I didn't want people to think my photos were drastically inaccurate because like I said in the bottle it looks teal!
But the more I wore it and saw it in different light I realized...this polish is just a color changer. As in...the color changes dramatically depending on the lighting.
With that being said...I tried posting different variations as best I could!
Make sure to look at all the photos/descriptions!
Here's what I need from you!
Do you have this polish too?? I am dying to know if this just happened to me! Is it my bottle? Or is it this way for everyone??
(from the website - Turquoise blue holographic with heavy gold shimmer)
Left - indoors during the day - more blue
Right - indoors at night (you can see that the turquoise is more prominent in less bright lighting)
Outside in direct sunlight - HOLY HOLO - also the sunlight brings out the blue
You can see that when the gold shimmer is more present that color reads more turquoise
Again the nail in the background as the light hits it is more blue than the nail that's in the foreground where the gold shimmer is more prominent.
Coats -
Two coats. Formula got a teeny bit thick during the second coat but nothing that needed to be thinned out or anything of the sort.
Color Intensity -
This post is more or less all about the color. Was that annoying or helpful? I wasn't sure how to approach this since I've only seen one other swatch! The good thing is...not matter the "lighting" and whether it's more blue or more turqouise...it's stunning. The holo and the shimmer and the color/s. All absolutely beautiful and rich!
Top Coat - HK Girl
Base Coat -
So long post even longer...
This isn't a negative "review" in the least. It's partially me hoping to hear what others think if they have this polish too and to share the polish and all it's gorgeous.
Because no matter what "light" you see the polish in...it is divine.
What I Wore Wednesday - Black, Blush, and Florals
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
You guys aren't going to believe this...
Well you might because it's nothing that is difficult to believe.
My "main" photo is clear!!! Gasp!
Also...this is the last outfit photo that I'll have with long hair! And yes as soon as I was uploading this...I totally missed having long hair. Typical!
So let's get right to the ensemble eh?
Cardigan - Modcloth
Dress - Target (similar)
"Pearl" Necklace - Kohls
Tights - from a zulily sale but I found them here
Shoes - Letter Press - Seychelles
Lipstick - I forget...but it's probably NYX something or another
Nail Polish - Aly's Dream Polish - Tiffany's Revenge
Swing back around these parts tomorrow for a mani I've yet to decide on!