Well shortly after this time tomorrow I will be at the salon getting lots of length taken off my hair.
I thought growing my hair out from my short bob that I've had for so long...seemed like a great idea. Since with my jet black hair and bangs it doesn't leave me a lot of "I wanna change my hair and try something new" options. Now fast forward a year later from that decision...my hair has grown about 7 inches and I hate it more and more each day. I don't get long hair...it's heavy and time consuning and I feel blah with it. So off it goes. I'll miss my ponytail...a lot...but that's about it.
So blah blah blah...my hair. Something I'm sure you guys could live without hearing about!
Soooo....here are some finds I fancy this week.
Are these "must haves" for you? I have 4 of these things...and only one of which I really use. (the hairdyer)
I've seen this floating around recently...but the little candy rainbow in this recipe was too cute. Had to share!
This DIY sculpture is so freaking cute. I love anything that can be classified as a "chachki" holder so I'm all for this.
If I didn't loathe my terrible excuse for a back "yard" I would so love to have these! One day when I have a yard that doesn't back up to interstate 95...
Of course the source for this is BS...BUT...I had to share. This is so dreamy...talk about serene. I need some serene!
Make sure to come by on Monday! I have a review/comparison post of Aly's Dream Polish Tiffanytea and Tiffany's Revenge!