Mid-week Coffee Break - Flowers, Chandeliers, & Color Pops!
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Happy mid-week friends!
I'm so glad it's Wednesday. My husband has been out of town for the last week and he finally got home yesterday! I'm so happy he's back...the house feels like a home again.
I did make good use of my time though...he came home to a completely rearranged living room. Which pretty much makes me just like my mother. :-)
Anywho let's get to some finds!
So cute. The mountains are on the back of the mug too!
Could this be anymore cheerful? Oh how I yearn for natural light & an abundance of color!
This has to be the cutest and most fanciful tea light holder I've ever seen.
What a quaint and simple patio space.
This is so simple but it looks so scrumptious.
The name isn't my favorite but by golly it looks delicious!
I will see you back here on Monday!
That Gal...signing off!!
NailNation3000 Review and Swatches - Sweet Mint
Monday, August 24, 2015
And like a lightening strike...it's Monday again.
Man oh man did the weekend go by fast. I binge watched a show called Reckless on Netflix...it's pretty freaking addictive. It was one of those...I had zero expectations of it so when it was great it was that much more exciting!
I only have two posts for you this week. I had a busy swatch weekend for a soon to be released collection from LynB so you'll have a post today and Wednesday. I should have three posts for ya next week!
So today I have another polish from NN3000 to share with you!
**Subtle mint pearl holo with a soft sheen and pearly tones**
***Photos show two coats with top coat, no issue with formula or application, this has more of a flat pearl finish. I know not everyone loves that particular finish but I think it makes this mint pretty special!***

Enchanted Polish - A Slightly Different Format - June 2015
Thursday, August 20, 2015
I know...a slightly different format. What does that even mean??
Well I thought it would be interesting...fun...different to NOT post photos with a light box being the main source of light.
So if that sounds like a terrible idea then come back next week for the regular format!
So here's Enchanted Polish - June 2015!
Direct sun
Natural indoor light
Office lighting...aka...florescent.
Indoors with flash
Different eh? I hope you enjoyed seeing a few variances of lighting and locations.
I'll see you back here next week!
That Gal...signing off!!
Mid-week Coffee Break - Grapefruit Mojito, Rain Boots, & Wide Open Spaces
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Welcome to Wednesday guys!
I hope you week is going well so far. For a few reasons I am SO ready for it to be this time next week...more on that...next week.
But for now...let's get to some finds!
There's something about a mug with a bicycle on it that for some reason I'm always drawn to...then you add in those stripes? So lovely!
My husband and I don't agree on the location or type of house we would love to end up living at but I would LOVE to have a large-ish piece of land away from the hustle & bustle. If you watch HGTV...and also watch Fixer Upper...then you can imagine what I talking about!
Sign me up for this office space. I would probably change out the crab photo for...cats.
Purple rain boots? So sassy and chic!
Perfectly Seasoned Sugar Snap Peas...so good.
Grapefruit Mint Mojito...so refreshing so delicious. I LOVE grapefruit.
See you tomorrow!
That Gal...signing off!!
NailNation3000 Review and Swatches - Hay Rides & Henney
Monday, August 17, 2015
Happy Monday guys!
Okay...it's not super happy because it is Monday...and the weekend of course didn't feel nearly long enough.
But on the plus side...I do have a pretty snazzy little number from NailNation 3000 to share with you!
Oddly enough and totally unplanned I have NN3000 and Enchanted Polish to share with you this week. Which are the same two brands I posted about last week. I don't know how it worked out that way but by golly it did! To switch it up a bit...I changed the format on my Thursday post that will feature Enchanted Polish...so stay tuned for that!
Any who back to the goods! This polish is a perfect "bring on Fall" polish. I know some people cannot wait for the next season to get here but others would love for summer to stick around a little longer. Those of you who want more summer...I invite you to come to Florida because our summer lasts until December!
Okay let's get to it!
**Chocolate cream base with holo shift, golden shimmer, multi matte & metallic red, black & white glitters**
***Brown is hit or miss for me. Maybe due to my skin tone or personal preference? Either way...this one was a huge win for me. Two coats for opacity and one layer of top coat makes this oh so shiny. No issues with the varying glitter sizes. The colors chosen to mix with the brown base work so perfectly with each other!***

Where to find NailNation3000 -
That Gal...signing off!!
*polish sent for my honest reviews & opinions*
NailNation3000 Review and Swatches - Light Up the Night
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Are you guys ready for some serious sparkle?
Like...opaque in two coats sparkle?
Good because that's exactly how I would describe this shiny little thing from NN3000!
Maria never ceases to amaze me with her creations. Light Up the Night is definitely a showstopper. I have a video of it that I took in direct sunlight that I'll be sharing on my IG today if you want to see that just stop on by!
Now for the good stuff!
**Ultrafine holographic gold glitter**
***Like I mentioned above, this is fully opaque in two coats, and completely smooth with a coat of top coat. No issues with formula or application...or removal for that matter. Because it's not an actual glitter there isn't any fuss trying to remove this. Woo hoo! Wait until you see that brush macro...SO much shiny in such a small space!***

Where to find NailNation3000 -
That's it for this week! Have a fabulous weekend!
That Gal...signing off!!
*polish sent for my honest reviews & opinions*
Mid-week Coffee Break - Natural Light, Fandoms, & Caprese
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Hey there friends!
How is your week going? I found lots of fun things to share with you today...including...Fictitious Fragrances. You'll see more about that down below!
I hope you find something you like or haven't seen before!
Enjoy the finds :)
Well...this is just adorable.
I retract anything I've ever said about any other kitchen. THIS is my dream kitchen. My husband can vouch for that because I hate using artificial light in the kitchen.
These are pretty much the prettiest globes. Useful? Nope but that's fine by me!
Okay so Fictitious Fragrances has literally stocked my wax melt/tarts stash. I had to do a custom order because I wanted so many. Anyway they have such a wide selection of wax melts, candles, and other misc things for lots of fandoms including Harry Potter, Supernatural, Firefly and more! I just had to share!
Tequila-Thyme Lemonade...well this seems like it would hit the spot for those hot summer days!
Caprese all the things!! I LOVE mozzarella and tomatoes...and pesto. This looks so good! Are you seeing this hubby? :)
That's it for this week! I will see you tomorrow...lots of sparkle on the blog tomorrow. Woo hoo!
That Gal...signing off!!
Enchanted Polish Review and Swatches - Desert Sunset
Monday, August 10, 2015
Hey guys!
Sorry for the radio silence last week. The weekend prior to the start of last week I was feeling kinda terrible. Not emotionally or anything but physically. I had a bit of a bug and wasn't up to getting any photos or posts ready. Sorry about that. If you follow my FB page then you saw me share that info but it had a cute cat photo along with it.
So today I wanted to share with you a polish from one of the recent restocks from Enchanted!
This beauty, along with a few others, were available for pre-order a few months (or so) ago. Pre-orders + Enchanted Polish = one happy polish addict. In that same vein...there is another pre-order happening THIS weekend. You can go to the site now and see the four colors that will be in the pre-order this Sunday. Click here.
So let's get to it shall we?
Desert Sunset
**Coral scattered holographic polish**
***Such flawless application for this baby. Two coats and I was good to go. Part of me thinks one thick coat would work in a pinch also. I don't have any other polish like this...which is always a plus. The pink in this makes it so special! No issues with application or formula and no staining!***

The best place for news, besides signing up for the EP newsletter, is on IG!
See you Wednesday!
That Gal...signing off!!