Random Wednesday #26 - The Doors are Closing!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
In retrospect that post title may be slightly misleading...the blog doors aren't closing...BUT today is the final day to enter the giveaway!
- I've decided I have two Keurig coffees that I love and since I'm a creature of habit I kinda don't want any other flavors. French Vanilla Iced Coffee with Sweet Cream creamer and Chai Tea with the same creamer but also with cinnamon sugar added.
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Whew! That's it I think...I hope you didn't lose patience half way through and made it all the way here!
Here's the link if you want to add your name into the hat for the giveaway.
I'll see you back here Friday with the name of the winner!
Talk to you soon!
Friday Finds - Samoa Cake, Tie Dye, and Hot Air Balloons
Friday, May 25, 2012
Hey everyone!
How was your week? I've stayed up SO late this entire week I'm amazed I'm still making sense when I speak. Then again...I may THINK I'm making sense...but really talking gibberish. It's okay...as long as it sounds good to me.
Here's hoping more sleep is in my future this weekend. I WILL be seeing Avengers for the second go round on Saturday afternoon!
But enough about all that mumbo jumbo...Finds Time!
"Will You Measure Me?" spoons - These are so cute...I may want to cook if I had them...but chances are slim. Either way...they are adorable!
I LOVE this nail tutorial!! I'm sure I'm late to the game on this one but I've never seen it before. Though it seems like it's quite a time consuming and messy project...I am dying to trying it. (that wasn't a purposeful pun I swear)
Reusable Paper Towel Set - though I'm not 100% sure how great they work but you can't deny how cute they are and what a fabulous print!
Samoa Bundt Cake - Are you KIDDING me?? My all time favorite cookie...not just girl scout cookie...but fave cookie ever. My mouth is watering looking at this...
These Lightbulb Hot Air Balloons are one of the cutest things I've ever seen...unfortunately I don't possess the patience to actually DIY this but I can at least admire them from afar.
If you posted a Friday Finds today - leave your link - I'd love to see what you've stumbled upon this week!
And don't forget to enter the giveaway!
A Very Special Random Wednesday - *Closed* Giveaway Time!!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Hey guys!!!
I am so over the moon excited to share this giveaway with you all.
One of my favorite types of giveaways are art related ones. Any chance I get to win a piece of artwork I will always enter...unfortunately I can't enter this one!
The lovely and ever so talented Kat over at Tall Blonde Artist is offering to one lucky winner a choice of ANY of her prints! Even better...it will be an 8x10!
She has such a unique, captivating, and striking talent...I kinda love all her artwork.
This is my personal favorite - Wanderlust
I can't get enough of the darker than dark black paired with the light pink/yellow/blue. Plus...how cute are the little hearts on on her knees?
Now time for the rules!
* Make sure you leave a separate comment for each entry *
Mandatory Entries -
(Only one comment necessary for this section & leave a way for me to contact you!)
-You must be a follower of my lil' ol' blog via GFC or Bloglovin'
Additional Entries -
* Make sure to leave separate entries for each one you choose to do! *
* Make sure to leave separate entries for each one you choose to do! *
- Add Kat's Etsy shop to your favorites
- "Like" Kat's FB page
- Follow Kat's Twitter
- Follow me on Twitter
Oh! And this is open to EVERYONE so no matter what country you call home you can enter this one!
This will be open until next 5/30 at 11:59 pm and I will announce the winner on Friday June 1st!
What I Wore - *Teal Time* (and a giveaway!)
Monday, May 21, 2012
Hey lovelies!
How goes it? How was your weekend?
*Make sure to read all the way down to the bottom so you don't miss the giveaway info*
I'm going to come right out and admit it...I did NOTHING this weekend. With the exception of seeing Avengers on Saturday and grocery shopping on Sunday. I literally was on the couch watching movies on Netflix. I was going to make darn sure I got my $7.99 worth of movies this month.
My grand total of movies watched including Avengers -
Holy movies Batman! I'll share with you the movies and let me know if you've seen them.
Elsewhere - This was in my queue because Paul Wesley aka Stefan was in it
The Double - starring Richere Gere but I watched it because Topher Grace was in it
Limitless - Hello...Bradley Cooper
Take Me Home Tonight - Laura you were right...this was awful. Sorry Topher.
The Vicious Kind - In my queue because Adam Scott is the star...such a downer movie.
Griff the Invisible - Starring Ryan Kwanten - such an odd movie...but I couldn't stop watching it!
Puncture - First name listed in the cast...Chris Evans. So I watched it...based on a true story and pretty dark but it was extremely interesting.
Morning Glory - SUCH a cute movie! Harrison Ford and Diane Keaton were so great!
S.W.A.T: Fire Fight - Starring...well no one that you'd know by name. But the lead in the show Suits was in it. Such an awful movie but what did I expect? It went straight to DVD.
And most important movie was of course Avengers...come on people! I'm SO glad I got to see it finally...and yes I plan on seeing it again. Even if it's by myself...I will see it again! I was surprised about how comedic it was...two thumbs up!
Outfit time!
Shoes!! Man I love those shoes.
Laughter was in the air...
These next two photos is me having the itchiest nose ever and being photographed during said event.
Itchy noise crisis complete.
Now that those silly non superhero outfit photos are done...I'm off to see Avengers...via flight obviously.
Wears from Head to Toe -
Cropped Cardigan - Target (old)
Dress - Dorothy Perkins
Shoes - UrbanOG
Necklace - Etsy
** Now for some giveaway news...hopefully you made it this far down. **
I will be posting a giveaway this Wednesday so make sure to stop by!
You won't want to miss it...unless of course you aren't a fan of edgy and fabulous artwork! I promise you won't be disappointed...and even better...it's open to anyone not just people in the U.S.! Woo hoo!
Here is a teeny tiny little glimpse of one of my personal favorite prints from the artist -
See you Wednesday :)
Friday Finds - It's No Secret....
Friday, May 18, 2012
Ladies and (the very rare gentlemen) it's no secret that I am a huge Phillip Phillips fan. It may be more of a secret since I obviously don't really post about my fangirl self on here....often.
But I'm going to keep today's "finds" short and sweet and share the most hautingly beautiful rendition of Bob Seger's song "We've Got Tonight" that Phillip performed on Wednesday. For those of you who follow the show but haven't watched last night's episode...I won't spoil the surprise for you by telling you who is in the final two!
If you have a spare 2 minutes and 45 seconds please further enable my fandom and watch :)
Talk to you soon!
PS - do you have any weekend plans? I am crossing my fingers mine consist of absolutely nothing except for making good use of my re-opened streaming Netflix account and possibly finally seeing Avengers!
MyGlam Bag vs. Birch Box
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Hey ladies!
Are you tired of seeing blog posts about Birch Boxes and other curated goods?
I hope not because otherwise this is a completely boring post for you...
I had decided to not be on the BB bandwagon that everyone else seemed to be on. But I had also put myself on the waiting list for a subscription prior to that decision. Not just for BB but for a handful of other curated boxes/bags.
I signed up for MyGlam because it was the only subscription service that didn't have a waiting list!
Last month I got the email saying that I could get my BB subscription...so I took the bait and I signed up!
I can't help it...I love getting goodies in the mail!!!
And long story short...I prefer my MyGlam bag.
Both MyGlam and Birch Box cost $10 per month which is nice. But MyGlam also sends a new adorable make up pouch that holds your samples each month! Yeah...I'm a sucker for packaging.
Okay okay...enough with words let me share some photos.
*Birch Box*
Yep...those are my sweatpants.
As you probably know by now it was a Gossip Girl themed box. The only thing missing from this photo is a elastic headband...aka a shoelace with stretch.
While I wasn't unhappy with the products (Samples of makeup brush cleaner, tinted moisturizer, nail polish, and perfume.) I was hoping for a full size of something...or at least a slightly larger sample size of an item. Maybe that's just me? Did anyone else receive a box with the same items I did?
Come on!! How cute is the makeup pouch?
So more samples obviously because it IS a sample subscription! But...there was a full size lipstick. Yesssss! And not just a lipstick...a fabulous one. It's by Studio Gear and it is the softest lipstick I've ever used. (Samples - Perfume..that's it. That was the only "sample) The rest of the items were nail art stickers, two make up brushes, and lipstick.
So I'd be lying if I said the full sizes and items weren't the main reason I kinda prefer MyGlam for this round.
The lipstick!
What do you think about the curated boxes? Are you signed up for any? Or considering any of them? I'd love to hear your opinions and if you received any of the above boxes this month!
Talk to you soon!
Random Wednesday #25 - Holy Crap! I'm Back :)
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Man oh man! Time flies when you're not blogging. Or maybe...time just flies no matter what you're doing or not doing but you don't realize it until someone points out how much time has indeed gone by!
I know I said I'd be back on Monday, but Monday came and went with no posting, mostly because life happened. Mother's Day turned into quite the crazy day. I was planning this whole photo shoot with my mom to do a "what we wore" but that didn't pan out.
I had a slight nervous breakdown. Whoopsie.
Let's just say I'm not a big fan of change. With that being said...the fiance decided to start renovation on my closet Sunday morning at 7:30 am. All due to the fact that our evil little ginger kitty Penelope wouldn't stop scaling the garment closet I used for all my dresses/skirts. I was scared to death she'd jump off that giant thing and hurt herself! So...smash away is what he did.
BUT we still had to go to lunch at my mom's house for Mother's Day and we were knee deep in drywall, projectile nails, and disaster. I won't go into detail about what exactly I did to give myself "nervous breakdown" status but let's just say...it wasn't pretty. Lots of yelling, crying, and some throwing of things.
The good news is...
The stupid wall that was in the middle of the closet is gone!! (I forgot to close the door so you can't see all of the closet)
But I can use my entire closet now without a giant garment closet to store all my dresses. There is obviously a lot left to do. A lot. But I'm trying not to stress about it and just enjoy the fact I can use the whole closet. I plan on having a bunch of pretty and fancy like curtains that act as my "doors"...I'm over doors. Bring on the curtains!
Also...this is the mound of clothing that I purged before I put everything back in the closet. Which turned out to be a huge help...as you can see in the closet photo it's pretty packed. So this giant mass of clothing is going to be donated!
I'll make sure to post progress photos but that won't be any time soon since the fiance is in school full time and works when he's not in school or doing homework. Needless to say...it'll be awhile before I have a pretty and finished closet.
I was going to share my "review" photos of my first Birch Box order and my fourth installment of my monthly myglam box. But I think that would be excessive for one post. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. So stop by tomorrow if you want to see the goodies and read my comparison between the two monthly curated goodie bags/boxes.
Thanks for not abandoning my blog and giving up on me ever posting again! :)
**What I Didn't Wear**
Monday, May 7, 2012
Yep, you read the blog title correctly.
There won't be a WIW post today or one until next week.
I've decided to take a mini-blogging break. I may be back on Friday but if not I'll be back in action next Monday.
I've got a crazy busy work schedule this week with my boss being out of the office my work triples. So by the time I get home from work...being in front of a computer is the last thing I will want to do.
PLUS - the fiance has his next round of classes starting next week so I want to spend whatever free time he has left with him.
Oh but I am over at the always fabulous Colleen's blog if you want to stop by and see that and her blog. She's got a bunch of adorable pups!
I hope you guys have a great week and make sure to come back by this time next week!
Until then...
Me and Griffin bid you adieu. (I pet sat all weekend!)
Random Wednesday #24 - Wedding Woes
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Okay, so this post may not be "woeful" really, I just enjoyed the alliteration.
Let's be honest...who doesn't enjoy the occassional alliteration?
Anywho, for those of you who don't know, I am engaged (as of January!) And I may not have mentioned this yet but we DO have a date set!
March 10, 2013 will be the day.
We have our venue (In the Garden at Casa Bella Village)...but that's about it. Oh and I have my invites ordered which I'll share with you when I get them!
*Just a little look at the space*
At first I thought...man we have plenty of time to get all of our wedding ducks in a row. But I fear that's not so much the case.
On the plus side, I have picked my dress, now I just have to get my measurements taken and get it ordered. Yes...I won't be trying it on first! *insert fear here*
I've never thought about all the bits and bobs that are involved in planning your OWN wedding.
Our budget is slim, and it's just me and my mom doing it all, so there's a lot of pressure there.
Luckily...it's a small wedding...so we won't require an abundance of "things" for it.
The next things we'd like to decide on is catering and the flowers. Most importantly...the flowers. The venue and my whole "vision" of the wedding is rustic/vintage and natural. Yellow and white is the color scheme. So I'm looking for flowers that are yellow and white! At first I wanted sunflowers but sadly they aren't quite in season in early March so I'm on the hunt for large or large-ish flowers that I can get in yellow and white! Here's what I'm thinking so far...
Mums will be my "go to" I think but I'm open to suggestions ladies!
So needless to say...we've got a lot of planning to do...but luckily we still have a good amount of time to work through the kinks.
And no...I have no idea what I want for a cake! Yikes...
Do you have any wedding websites for smaller wedding planning? I'm looking for info for "the basics" nothing that is a huge event.
I'll take any ideas/suggestions/horror stories that you want to share!
Talk to you soon!!