What I Wore - *Some Terriers and The Beatles*

Happy last week of September!

October is going to be such a busy month. 

My mom is having back surgery (yikes!) one day before her birthday.
The fiance has his birthday a day BEFORE my mom's surgery.
Lots of going ons happening at work...more than usual...
And ya know...more wedding stuff...like getting my measurements taken...yikes!!

Anyway...what's your October got in store?
What are you going to be for Halloween?! I picked up my costume Friday. Minnie Mouse. Yep.

OH! And I have to ask you...does anyone know an affordable person to do blog redesigns? I'm looking to revamp but I'm kinda at a loss on who to reach out to. 

So Sunday the fiance and I had to take Charlie to the vet, just for a check up, so I thought of course I should dress appropriately for the outing. So I chose a cardigan covered in Scottish Terriers. Also the cardi was my first ever purchase from H&M since Jacksonville, FL JUST opened one! It's smaller than most probably but even still it was exciting to actually have the chance to peruse the merchandise. 

This was a very...throw on and go outfit...I didn't even put make up on! Gotta love Sundays.

Cracking up...

Whoops...earrings + long hair = lots of fixing of hair stuck in earrings.
Detail shot of the print!
My favorite sunglasses...

That's all folks!

Wears Head to Toe - 

Cardigan - H&M
Shirt - super old...I think it's from Target...
Jeans - Even older than the shirt...Charlotte Russe
Shoes - Rocket Dog

Anywho...that's it for today. I hope your week is off to a good start!

Talk to you soon!

  1. Such a cute cardigan! October's looking like it's going to be pretty busy for me too. We might be moving to a new apartment so there will be a ton of work associated with that.

    Courtney ~ http://sartorialsidelines.com

  2. Love the cardi, love the sunglasses, that entire outfit is my kind of outfit. Except for the bow, I just can't pull it off. I think, due mostly to my own inhibitions. But anyway, love the whole outfit and super jealous you got an H&M. I want to go to one so badly!! Haha!

  3. Hope your mom's surgery goes well! October is busy for me, too-- moving back to the East coast at the end of the month!!! Which means I might not be going to any Halloween parties/answering the door for trick-or-treaters... and thus no costume :(.

  4. Love the cardi, Jenna! I've never bought anything from H&M, but it's so weird that there weren't any over there. The other day I was talking to a friend from Maryland and I was surprised to find out that there are a lot of restaurants that are huge here in Cali that do not exist in the East Coast (such as Jack in the Box, Carl's Junior, El Pollo Loco).

    Hope your mom's surgery goes great in October! This last week in Sept and the first few in Oct I'll be all about submitting assignments and doing tests online to finally get a certificate to teach English to foreigners. Not sure it'll help me find a job, but the course it's already paid, so I need to finish it.

    Thanks a lot for your sweet comment yesterday, Jenna! And hope you have an awesome week! ;D

    Btw, as for blog design, I totally recommend you to talk to Ashley from Under Those Neon Lights (.blogstpot.com), she did mine and I'm happy with it.

    Hugs to you and the kitties! :P

  5. I hope her surgery goes well! And you look so cute in your terriers! I think this might be one of my favorite outfits for you. Jeans and cardigans for the win.

    As for blog redesign: I did my own (free!). I just fiddled around with the templates and color options in Blogger, and then made my own banner in Photoshop. It took a few hours to get it how I wanted, but it was soooo worth it.

  6. You are adorable and your blog makes me smile! Would you mind checking my blog out and following me if you like it?



  7. That is such a darling cardigan! I love it.

    <3 Melissa

  8. totally followed you bc you have a Charlie like I do. and this cute cardi.

  9. I LOVE your cardi - thinking about purchasing one on ebay, but unsure what size to get... can to share what size you are wearing and what size you normally wear..... I can give you my email address to you can share in privacy! I think we are about the same size..?? Thanks SO much for your help!!!!!! Thanks - Jen M.


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