Sunday!! *crying upon realization tomorrow begins another work week*

So I tend to get in an icky mood come Sunday afternoon/evening, my boyfriend and felines can attest to that, so with that being said if I'm not the only one that suffers from the Sunday Sadness Sickness I would love to share something to make you smile even just a little bit. 

And of course this photo will include at least one animal...I can't help it...those darn furry (but not always furry) four legged babies will always either crack me up or make me smile from ear-to-ear!

Helllooooo Painted Piggies!
Artistic lil' buggers aren't they? I wonder if they have an Etsy site :) did that accomplish a smile...even a little one? 

If not, I'll need to do better next Sunday!

Oh SHOOT! I need to put my clothes in the dryer...
Cat Nip and Chew Toys,


I LOVE reading your comments, it brings a smile to my face, you lovelies are the best! If you have a question or comment and have your email linked to your blogger I will without fail respond!

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