Get Excited! It's Thrifty *Tutorial* Thursday!

Thursday! Woo hoo! Let the countdown to the weekend begin! I think I'm going to have to take my eldest little lion to the vet. After 3 years of not taking him to the vet for shots and what not. I know it sounds awful but he's an inside cat and he is EVIL when he is around anyone besides me. When I took him to the vet at 1 year old...I thought he was going to kill the vet tech and doctor.

I know it's hard to believe this little tiny guy is evil. 
That little guy turned into this big guy.


Anyway...I should probably share with you guys the real reason you clicked to read this post...the tutorial!

When I came across this to die for craftyness, I knew I had to share with you all, when my sewing machine is no longer packed nice and tightly in a box I will for sure be trying this!

*Sewing Machine Cozy*

Pop on over to Notes from the Patch to get the full step by step tutorial. If you try this out, please share, I'd love to see what you come up with!

See you tomorrow for Friday Faves!

  1. Super cute. Wish I had a sewing machine to cover up!

  2. Where as I like your sewing machine cover! =) I LOVE the kitty looks so much like my boy-Smokey! He is my baby! =) About a year or so younger than yours =) I have a couple pictures of him on the blog somewhere =)

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